Here's another 5 pack of random rigs!
First up a neat ol' Kenworth K100 with an interesting trailer.
There's still cabovers out there working, though less and less. However, seems like the "alternative power" crowd is trying to push cabover designs, which is not a good idea. The only benefit of a cabover is length. Yes, it's shorter than a conventional hood truck, which does give some benefits, but the negatives are considerable. For one, driver comfort - cabovers are harder to get in and out of. You're sitting directly over the axle. And safety - if you're in a wreck in a cabover, you have almost no protection.

A Volvo VNL.

Another VNL, this time a fairly classy example.

A sharp looking Ford F-350.

And lastly, a Freightliner Cascadia for Western Flyer Express, whose headquarters are in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

As always, thanks for looking!
Cab Overs are definitely the coolest but not something you would want to drive everyday.