Another Saturday, another classic 5 pack of rigs, right here, right now!
First up today, a typically sharp looking Peterbilt 579 for TMC, whose HQ is in Des Moines, Iowa.
A couple odd things in this shot - daycabs are fairly unusual for TMC, at least around here, but handling what looks like a Home Depot local delivery trailer is extra strange. Also, note the stacks - driver's side is turned facing inwards.🙃

Another fine looking Pete, this time a 567 for G&B Energy, who're headquartered in Elkin, NC.
The "1075" code on the hazmat placard is for salicylic acid.

A bridge shot of a Mack Pinnacle.

A Freightliner Cascadia for NFI, whose HQ is in Camden, NJ.

And wrapping up this round, a very nice Peterbilt 389.

As always, thanks for looking!
Nice catches