The North Carolina Grange was officially recognized in1875, but hit its stride after re-organizing in 1929. The war was over, the Depression had ended, and our state’s isolated farm families needed a place to come together. Through local events, education, renewed community spirit, and the encouragement to be more tolerant of others with different political and religious beliefs, the Grange helped neighbors and communities come together. People received help getting on their feet through training and cooperative buying and selling among members. When schools needed help, the Grange stepped in there too. In some cases, even running them. Our members were instrumental in the development of 4-H and Future Farmers of America and worked to ensure North Carolina’s farming communities would emerge stronger than ever.

Huh, that's a new one for me, really interesting info there. Nice truck, too. Anytime I see the word "grange", I think of Headley Grange, where Led Zeppelin recorded several songs.
Great history there