A deal that has been some time in the making, Traton is now purchasing Navistar for $3.7 Billion.
The Germany based Traton (which is Volkswagen's commercial truck business) sent an ultimatum to IH, a take it or leave it deal, and IH took it.
Check out the full article here: https://www.ccjdigital.com/volkswagen-buying-navistar/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=10-16-2020&utm_campaign=Commercial%20Carrier%20Journal&ust_id=[-MD5-]&oly_enc_id=0674A3242256J0U
I find this to be an unfortunate turn of events; at one point, basically up until now, I would have considered purchasing a new IH, but no longer.
Notice how the article makes a big deal that IH rigs will still be "built in the USA", but truthfully, that's only half the issue; the other half is: where is the company based/where is the money going?
IH will now be owned by a German company, with the profits going into their coffers instead of staying here in the US. Much like other companies that *build* their cars and/or trucks here, but are based in another country. That's why I we stick with Ford and KW for our new fleet units; they may be affiliated with foreign companies, or even manufacture parts elsewhere, but they are based here, so my hard earned money goes back into the economy in which I am part of.
Like telling someone that you'll water their garden with the water from your well; it's all fine until the well goes dry, then you have no water and an angry neighbor...
Anyway, just my 2 cents, but I try to stick to my guns on buying things made in the USA by US based companies.